Shoals Manufacturer's Association
The purpose of the SMA is to foster a working relationship among Shoals area manufacturers and to promote a healthy business climate, making it feasible for existing companies to expand and/or remain in the Shoals area in a working partnership with the Shoals Economic Development Authority.

Share Ideas
Provide a social base where members can meet to share and exchange views

Get Results
Maintain a results-oriented association responding to changing membership needs

Stay In-The-Know
Provide presentations, speakers, roundtable discussions, forums, and training opportunities on subjects of value to the membership as a whole
Who is Eligible for Membership?
Shoals area companies involved in the manufacture of products and parts for profit.
How Much Does it Cost to Join?
Company Size | One-Year | Two-Year | Three-Year |
<25 Employees | $150.00 | $275.00 | $375.00 |
26-50 Employees | $200.00 | $375.00 | $525.00 |
51-300 Employees | $250.00 | $475.00 | $675.00 |
301+ Employees | $500.00 | $975.00 | $1,425.00 |
Each member company may have two representatives; each representative must hold a position of authority within the company and be able to make decisions with respect to the SMA on behalf of the company. The dues include lunch for two company representatives at each regular meeting and dinner at the annual social event.